Every person can find their deepest passion and express that in their lives.
One night when I was leaving my corporate job in New York City, sitting on the 1 train heading uptown, it hit me like a slap across the face. I realized that I was not enjoying my life. It was time to grow up and change it. So I went home, took my suit and tie off, got comfortable, found one of those yellow legal pads and a pen, sat down and wrote at the top of the page “What do I want to be when I grow up?”
I began making a list by writing down what I liked doing and all the things I could do. Photography was in the mix. I kept at it, adding more to the list, for an hour or two and then put it down. I took a break, ate some dinner and then picked it up again. It was at that moment that PHOTOGRAHY leapt off the page—hit me in my heart and I realized how much I loved taking pictures. I found my passion. I knew it deep in my soul. It was then that I made the choice to dedicate every waking moment in my life to the craft of photography. I was 33 years old.