JOHN LACHS was born in Budapest, Hungary, and was educated at McGill University (B.A., 1956; M.A., 1957) and Yale University (Ph.D., 1961). A Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University since 1967, he taught previously for seven years at the College of William and Mary
SHIRLEY MELLOW LACHS, co-editor, with her husband, of this collection, is a native of Canada. She attended Marygrove College in Detroit and the University of Michigan (M.A., 1965).
Professor Lachs has three other full-length works to his credit: Marxist Philosophy: A Bibliographical Guide (University of North Carolina Press, 1967); another edited collection of Santayana essays, Animal Faith and Spiritual Life (Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967); and a translation, in collaboration with Professor Peter Heath of Johann Gottlieb Fichte’s The Science of Knowledge (Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969). He has contributed numerous articles to the Journal of Philosophy, The Harvard Theological Review, The Personalist, The Monist, The Review of Metaphysics, and many other learned journals.
Professor Lachs has been honored with a Phi Beta Kappa Award for the Advancement of Scholarship, a Ford Foundation Fellowship in the Humanities, and the Harbison Award for Distinguished Teaching. He is a member of several American and Canadian philosophical societies.