Body Battlegrounds explores the rich and complex lives of society's body outlaws—individuals from myriad social locations who oppose hegemonic norms, customs, and conventions about the body. Original research chapters (based on textual analysis, qualitative interviews, and participant observation) along with personal narratives provide a window into the everyday lives of people rewriting the norms of embodiment in sites like schools, sporting events, and doctors' offices.
Introduction | Chris Bobel and Samantha Kwan
Part I: Going “Natural”
Chapter 1: Body Hair Battlegrounds: The Consequences, Reverberations, and Promises of Women Growing Their Leg, Pubic, and Underarm Hair | Breanne Fahs
Chapter 2: Radical Doulas, Childbirth Activism, and the Politics of Embodiment | Monica Basile
Chapter 3: Caring for the Corpse: Embodied Transgression and Transformation in Home Funeral Advocacy | Anne Esacove
Living Resistance:
• Deconstructing Reconstructing: Challenging Medical Advice Following Mastectomy | Joanna Rankin
• My Ten-Year Dreadlock Journey: Why I Love the “Kink” in My Hair . . . Today | Cheryl Thompson
• Living My Full Life: Rejecting Weight Loss as an Imperative for Recovery from Binge Eating Disorder | Christina Fisanick
• Pretty Brown: Encounters with My Skin Color | Praveena Lakshmanan
Part II: Representing Resistance
Chapter 4: Blood as Resistance: Photography as Contemporary Menstrual Activism | Shayda Kafai
Chapter 5: Am I Pretty Enough for You Yet?: Resistance through Parody in the Pretty or Ugly YouTube Trend | Katherine Phelps
Chapter 6: The Infidel in the Mirror: Mormon Women’s Oppositional Embodiment | Kelly Grove and Doug Schrock
Living Resistance:
• A Cystor’s Story: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and the Disruption of Normative Femininity | Ledah McKellar
• Old Bags Take a Stand: A Face Off with Ageism in America | Faith Baum and Lori Petchers
• Making Up with My Body: Applying Cosmetics to Resist Disembodiment | Haley Gentile
• I Am a Person Now: Autism, Indistinguishability, and (Non)optimal Outcome | Alyssa Hillary
Part III: Creating Community, Disrupting Assumptions
Chapter 7: Yelling and Pushing on the Bus: The Complexity of Black Girls’ Resistance | Stephanie D. Sears and Maxine Leeds Craig
Chapter 8: Big Gay Men’s Performative Protest against Body Shaming: The Case of Girth and Mirth | Jason Whitesel
Chapter 9: “What’s Love Got to Do with It?”: The Embodied Activism of Domestic Violence Survivors on Welfare | Sheila M. Katz
Living Resistance:
• “Your Signing Is So Beautiful!”: The Radical Invisibility of ASL Interpreters in Public | Rachel Kolb
• Two Shakes | Rev. Adam Lawrence Dyer
• “Showing Our Muslim”: Embracing the Hijab in the Era of Paradox | Sara Rehman
• “Doing Out”: A Black Dandy Defies Gender Norms in the Bronx | Mark Broomfield
• Everybody: Making Fat Radio for All of Us | Cat Pausé
Part IV: Transforming Institutions and Ideologies
Chapter 10: Embodying Nonexistence: Encountering Mono- and Cisnormativities in Everyday Life | J. E. Sumerau
Chapter 11: Freeing the Nipple: Encoding the Heterosexual Male Gaze into Law | J. Shoshanna Ehrlich
Chapter 12: Give Us a Twirl: Male Baton Twirlers’ Embodied Resistance in a Feminized Terrain | Trenton M. Haltom
Chapter 13: “That Gentle Somebody”: Rethinking Black Female Same-Sex Practices and Heteronormativity in Contemporary South Africa | Taylor Riley
Living Resistance:
• Showing Up as Myself: Embodiment and Authenticity in the Classroom | Ryan Ambuter
• Sitting and Resisting: How Using a Wheelchair Confronts Ideas of Normal | Margaret Stran
• Against Diabetic Numerology in a Black Body, or, Why I Cannot Live by the Numbers | Anthony Ryan Hatch
• My Women’s Studies Professor Uses Botox? | Dana Berkowitz
Afterword: Bodies of Resistance | Sonya Renee Taylor
Chris Bobel, Associate Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston, and Samantha Kwan, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Houston, are co-editors of Embodied Resistance: Challenging the Norms, Breaking the Rules and Body Battlegrounds: Transgressions, Tensions, and Transformations, both published by Vanderbilt.