Hispanic Heritage Month

In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, Vanderbilt UP is offering 40% off + free shipping* on all of our Hispanic Studies and Latin American Studies titles with promo code VUPFALL23.

Check out our featured Hispanic Heritage Month titles below, and browse our full list of titles by subject.

*Free shipping applies to addresses within the U.S. Promo code extends through October 31, 2023.

Transforming Saints

From Spain to New Spain

Charlene Villaseñor Black

Flexible Families

Nicaraguan Transnational Families in Costa Rica

Caitlin E. Fouratt

Centenary Subjects

Race, Reason, and Rupture in the Americas

Shawn McDaniel

Natural Consequences

A Novel

Elia Barceló, Yolanda Molina-Gavilán, Andrea Bell

When a Robot Decides to Die and Other Stories

Francisco García González, Bradley J. Nelson

Reality in Movement

Octavio Paz as Essayist and Public Intellectual

Maarten van Delden

Resisting Extractivism

Peruvian Gold, Everyday Violence, and the Politics of Attention

Michael Wilson Becerril

Food, Texts, and Cultures in Latin America and Spain

Rafael Climent-Espino, Ana M. Gómez-Bravo

Creating Carmen Miranda

Race, Camp, and Transnational Stardom

Kathryn Bishop-Sanchez

Nineteenth-Century Spanish America

A Cultural History

Christopher Conway

The Golden Leaf

How Tobacco Shaped Cuba and the Atlantic World

Charlotte Cosner

Deviant and Useful Citizens

The Cultural Production of the Female Body in Eighteenth-Century Peru

Mariselle Meléndez

Améfrica in Letters

Literary Interventions from Mexico to the Southern Cone

Jennifer Carolina Gómez Menjívar, Paulette Ramsay, Juan Guillermo Sánchez Martínez, Michael Handelsman, Gloria Chacón, Ángela Castro, Eliseo Jacob, Isis Barra Costa, Juan Eduardo Wolf, Diana Rodríguez Quevedo, Mamadou Badiane