Submission Guidelines for Prospective Authors

Vanderbilt University Press acquires books in the areas of Latin American and Hispanic studies; global and public health; human rights and civil rights; anthropology; history and postwar studies; and studies of race, class, gender, and sexuality. We also publish books with a regional focus on Tennessee and the South, including, for example, books on Nashville and country music.

Submission Guidelines

Initial inquiries about potential book projects should be queried to the acquisitions department via email. We do not accept full manuscripts until requested. First, ensure that VUP publishes in the disciplinary area that your project represents. If that is the case, please send a cover letter and book proposal that includes the following:

  • A short book abstract
  • A brief but detailed statement outlining the manuscript’s arguments, themes, and significance to the field
  • A table of contents that clearly summarizes the content and structure of each chapter
  • Assessment of the work’s fit with existing literature, comparison with published books on the topic, and discussion of the intended audiences and market for the book
  • Statement of the anticipated word count of the manuscript; plans for tables, figures, or other illustrations; and schedule for completion
  • Sample chapter (optional)
  • Curriculum vitae
  • If your manuscript is based on a dissertation, please discuss how the material and research has been developed, reframed, or otherwise revised. VUP does not publish unrevised dissertations.
  • If your manuscript is an edited collection, please include information about each of the contributors and note if any of the chapters are previously published.
  • If your manuscript is a translation, please describe why the author’s work warrants translation into English, as well as any and all information on rights to the work and the book’s history in its native language.

Keep a file or a copy of your proposal materials. We do not return proposals. Please do not call the Press to inquire about the status of your proposal or manuscript. We review all material received, and you will be contacted when a decision has been made. We aim to communicate whether a proposed project is being pursued further no more than eight weeks after the receipt of the proposal.

For more information about specific series initiatives, visit our Series page.